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Sophie Chabloz

Zurich, Switzerland

Swiss Institute of Technology


What do you plan to do in the future, career-wise?


I would like to work in the fields of obesity prevention, nutrient deficiencies, and disease, especially in children and pregnant women. I'd also like to help companies develop healthier products.


What projects did you work on this summer?


  • I investigated how grocery stores could make changes to increase the amount of fresh items sold (fruits, vegetables, lean meats and low fat dairy products).

  • I looked at paintings that depicted various foods to see whether there was a correlation between countries/years/economical situations in which the paintings were made, and the type/quantity/etc. of food that each painting depicted.

  • I designed a small survey in order to assess if people believed an unhealthy food item (e.g. muffin, brownie, cookie, etc.) was actually healthier and/or lower in calories when they were told that it also included a "super food" (e.g. chia, hemp, sunflower seeds, etc.).


Any advice for future interns?


Don't try to work on too many projects at the same time; the ten weeks go by fast. It's better to focus on and finish a few projects and really invest your time to complete them to the best of your ability. 


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