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Summer Xue Gong


Fordham University


What do you plan to do in the future, career-wise?


I would love to work in food marketing research in the future. 


What projects did you work on this summer?


This summer I worked on multiple projects with Dr. Wansink

  • I wrote a paper on implementing new approaches to help children develop healthy eating habits. 

  • I also worked on a data project about how early publications have later impact/affect on the world. I collected over two hundred and fifty papers with their times of citations for this project. 

  • In addition, I helped Dr. Wansink with his “ripple effect” research project on eating changes by creating a coding scheme. 

  •  I created two blog posts for Slim By Design official website

  • I created scientific posters for a conference and helped conduct a field experiment at a local restaurant.


Any advice for future interns?

I had a wonderful experience at the Cornell Food and Brand Lab working with Dr. Brian Wansink and other lab members this summer. Anyone who is interested in food psychology should apply for this research internship. You will be involved in several projects related to how people make choices regarding food. Also, this internship requires high self-motivation and perseverance. A multi-tasking work environment allows you to work on different types of research, and with different mediums simultaneously. Reading Mindless Eating and Dr. Wansink's upcoming book Slim By Design will prepare you for this internship. Finally, don't hesitate to express your ideas to Dr. Wansink and other researchers at the lab.

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