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Stina Niemann

Reinbek, Germany

Dickinson College


What do you plan to do in the future, career-wise?


I want to get my Master's degree in either Marketing Communication or Marketing Research and obtain certification as a dietician. I plan on doing nutritional counseling that focuses on healthy changes in people's eating environment. I am also really interested in international college admissions and counseling.


What projects did you work on this summer?


  • Time To Shop: I wrote a research paper on what grocery store management can do make people shop healthier. I processed and coded pre-collected observations with derived suggestions and came up with a step process that grocery store management can follow to get people to make healthier consumption decisions.

  • Happy Chickens: I worked on this study with Dr.  Aner Tal. I created an online survey and designed different conditions of chicken breast labels to find out what makes people decide if a chicken is happy, in other words, that it tastes good.

  • Cereal Depicted vs. Suggested Serving Size: I started working on a data collection project comparing the depicted serving size on cereal boxes with the suggested serving size on the nutrition facts label. I also tested how much people are influenced by serving size cues. I am hoping to write and publish a paper about this.

  • Boatyard Grill: At restaurants, we worked “behind the scenes”, researching the impact on families and their food consumption if children are given baby carrots before the meal. We recorded the mass of food consumed and had families take a survey at the end of their meal.




Any advice for future interns?


In order to get the most out of this internship, you have to be strongly self-motivated and willing to push things forward. If you are really excited about what the Food and Brand Lab does, this will not be a problem for you, and everyone in the Lab is extremely helpful and supportive. I have learned so much about academic research during this summer - the experience is what you make of it!


As far as location goes, Ithaca is fantastic to live in during the summer! Cornell is beautiful all over campus. Ithaca is a “health bubble”, with a great Farmers’ Market and lots of stores focusing on local and organic food and the bus system is fantastic and biking is also a popular option if you don’t mind the hills. 

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